Proposed Corporate Reorganization and Bylaw Amendments

At the Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, May 4 parishioners will be asked to vote on resolutions to align St. John’s with recently enacted changes in Maryland law by (i) reorganizing St. John’s as a “religious corporation,” as Maryland parishes outside the Washington Diocese have been organized for decades; and (ii) amending St. John’s Bylaws in conformity with Maryland’s corporation laws.

At our January 26 Adult Forum, St. John’s Co-Chancellor Craig Ulman explained the proposed changes. Parishioners are encouraged to review the recording of the forum at

The proposed resolutions, including the recommended Articles of Incorporation and Bylaw amendments, will be posted ahead of the Annual Parish Meeting. We are also planning one or more Q&A sessions for interested parishioners. Date(s) and Zoom link(s) will be published in future issues of our Crossroads newsletter.