The Future of St. John’s Memorial Garden: Join an October 6 Discussion

Sunday, October 6  |  10:00 am  |  Parish Hall / Zoom  -  

The Memorial Garden is running out of space and the Vestry wants parishioners' thoughts on how to make room to receive ashes by building more niches and, possibly, designating an area for in-ground burial of ashes.

To kick off the discussion, the Property Committee’s Subcommittee on the Memorial Garden and Columbarium will hold a discussion forum on Sunday, October 6, at 10:00 am.   Your level of interest in these burial alternatives will help the Vestry determine the size, scope and manner of any expansion.  (Read the subcommittee’s report.)

The subcommittee solicited and reviewed a proposal by W.S. Tegeler Monument Company of Baltimore to build free-standing units, each containing 18 or 30 niches, that would be installed in the garden opposite the columbarium wall.

Besides building more niches, the subcommittee looked at setting aside space for in-ground burial near a plaque bearing the names of parishioners whose ashes would are interred in that part of the Memorial Garden.

The subcommittee visited the All Souls Garden in the Garth at the National Cathedral to learn more about its burial procedures and the has consulted other area parishes to get insight into their experiences with in-ground burial.

Please join us on October 6, either in the Parish Hall or via Zoom, to voice your questions and suggestions.  


Complete this form to connect with the Memorial Garden ministry leader,  parishioner Jim Rowley. 

Any questions?
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