Oct. 20 Adult Forum: “Finance and Pledging”

Sunday, Oct. 20  |  10:00 - 11:00 am  |  Parish Hall / Zoom  -  

How are we doing financially this year? Where are we on our overall plan for securing the financial needs of our property? Will we ever fix those gutters and renew that kitchen that we know are in dire need? If so, how?

These are a few of the many questions the Vestry is hoping to address at the 10:00 Adult Forum on Sunday, October 20, and we hope you will join us. We plan to use this forum to not only report back to you on our current financial year, but to look toward and discuss the year to come.  Time will be available for questions and answers.  

Join us in the Parish Hall or on Zoom (link: bit.ly/STJNmain).