The St. John's Choristers

St. John’s Choristers was established in Fall 2022 for boys and girls in grades three (3) through eight (8). The Choristers music training is focused on the “cathedral tradition” of singing in the head voice. This age range is ideal for music training as children’s voices begin to develop for unison and part singing during this time. Some experts have even claimed the sound of a child’s voice at this age is one of the purest vocal sounds. As a member of St. John’s Choristers, each child will be able to hear their voices soar as they sing in our wonderful acoustics.

In addition to vocal instruction, boys and girls will learn how to read music, both anthems and hymns. Music workbooks, which enhance this training, are used to reinforce music learning along with vocal instruction. Each child will learn to sing in a safe, supportive environment and develop teamwork and leadership skills, while also building a lifelong love for great music. For children already involved in instrumental music, singing in a choir can enhance their musical education.

While participating in St. John’s worship services, children learn the importance of musical leadership for the congregation. More than a performance, singing in the worship service helps the children build an appreciation for their own role as music leaders.

As an incentive, each child receives an “allowance” for their attendance at rehearsals and on Sunday mornings (just as they may receive for making their bed or cleaning their room at home). They can look forward to this reward twice a year for their dedication and regular attendance in the choir. Also, as a benefit of singing in the Chorister Choir, each child is periodically given a private voice lesson with our vocal coach from Washington National Cathedral.

Rehearsals are held every Wednesday from 5:00 to 6:00 pm with a snack time starting at 4:45 p.m. This snack time is a fun, relaxed period that allows the children to socialize and make friends. The Choristers sing approximately once a month at the 9:00 am service.

The St. John’s Norwood music programs continue to grow, and we welcome newcomers to our lively and loving choir family. 


Complete this form to connect with our Director of Music Ministries, Jason West.

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