The St. John's Choir

If you are looking for an exceptional choral group that sings a variety of traditional music, St. John’s Choir would be a great match for your talents. The choir’s extensive repertoire ranges from Renaissance and Baroque, including Palestrina, Handel, and Bach, to classical and romantic composers, including Haydn and Beethoven.

St. John’s Choir repertoire is also heavily influenced by the English Choral tradition of Renaissance composers such as Tallis and Gibbons, Baroque composers such as Purcell and Handel, 19th century composers such as Stanford and Parry, and 20th century composers such as Howells and Vaughan Williams. We also include 21st century composers such as Rutter and Chilcott as part of the choir’s repertoire. American choral literature, such as spiritual arrangements and church music composers of the 20th and 21st centuries, is also represented in the choir’s regular repertoire.

St. John’s Choir sings Psalms during the Sunday morning services. Plainsong, developed in the earliest centuries of Christianity, and Anglican Chant, which grew out of the English Reformation, are the two main styles of Psalm singing that are an integral part of the Eucharist service. The choir also sings Evensong and an annual Advent Lessons and Carols, in addition to the Sunday morning worship.

Although auditions are not required, prior choral music experience and an ability to read music is suggested for this choir since rehearsals move at a fast pace.

St. John’s Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings, beginning at 7:30 pm, and sings every Sunday during the 11:15 am service. During the summer, the choir sings on assigned Sundays with a rehearsal prior to the Sunday service with music that is less demanding. Summer is a great time to join St. John’s Choir without having to attend a weekday rehearsal.

The St. John’s Norwood music programs continue to grow, and we welcome newcomers to our lively and loving choir family.


Complete this form to connect with our Director of Music Ministries, Jason West.

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