Evan Glass Shares How the County Helps Prevent Gun Suicides

On Sunday, September 15, Montgomery County Councilmember Evan Glass (at-large) spoke to the Gun Violence Prevention (GVP) ministry about the Suicide Awareness and Firearm Education (SAFE) Act, which requires county firearm dealers to offer information on suicide prevention and safe firearm storage.

Describing suicide as a public health crisis, Glass explained that, when a person contemplating suicide stops to think before they act, this presents an opportunity for prevention. "So, if the law causes even one troubled person to pause for one second, then it is worth the challenges of passing it," he said. 

County Attorneys helped craft the law to avoid lawsuits based on conflicts with state laws and/or second amendment rights. For example, the original language called for the firearm dealer to hand the literature to the customer at the point of purchase, but was revised to simply require that it be available in the store. The good news is that the County was not sued, and this month, the law is being fully implemented.  See the flyer and brochure on suicide awareness and safe firearm storage that have been distributed in local gun stores.

Did you know that a person contemplating suicide is 3 times more likely to succeed if they have access to a firearm? The GVP Ministry has free trigger locks and cable locks; if you would like one for yourself or a family member or friend, use the form below to contact GVP leader Margaret Hilton.

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Complete this form to contact Gun Violence Prevention (GVP) ministry leader Margaret Hilton.

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