Dec. 2024 Olive Oil Sale

Sunday, Dec. 8  |  Before & after 11:15 am worship (starting at 10:00 am, ending at 1:00 pm)  |  West Ave. Lobby  - 

On Sunday, December 8, St. John's Olive Oil ministry will sell olive oil, soap, and jars of tapenade before and after the 11:15 service. The Olive Oil Ministry continues to support the Tent of Nations and other humanitarian organizations in Gaza.

We will be selling two types of olive oil, a mix and the bold-flavored Rumi at $25/bottle, as well as bars of olive oil soap for $7/bar and tapenade for $8/jar.  Payment may be made by cash, check, or Venmo.

Questions? Please use the form below to contact Liz Everhart and Helen Habiby.

Liz Everhart


Complete this form to connect with parishioners Liz Everhart and Helen Habiby.

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