Heart-to-Heart Sunday 2025

On Sunday, February 9, Hines Hall was full of laughter, creativity, and friendship as preschoolers through high school seniors came together for Heart-to-Heart Valentine Sunday. Heart-to-Heart is a St. John’s tradition, uniting church school classes for multi-aged fun. This year's activities included crafts with hearts and crosses emphasizing God’s love for us, hand-made Valentines for people we love, cupcake decorating, Bible Bingo, and a service project. Children and youth created nearly 50 goody bags, with personalized messages, for the children of families served by Nourishing Bethesda

THANK YOU to Marny and LiRong Helfrich, for spearheading this effort, and to the church school teachers and parent volunteers who made this event a success. We already look forward to next year!