January 2025 Outreach Sunday: Episcopal Relief and Development

On Sunday, January 26, please give generously to Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD). ERD is the Episcopal Church's compassionate response to human suffering in the world.

Hearing God’s call to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being, ERD partners with local organizations in approximately 40 countries to create lasting change in communities impacted by poverty, injustice, disaster, and climate change. It focuses on four interconnected priorities in the U.S. and around the world: Early childhood development; empowering and promoting the rights of women and girls; climate resilience; and disaster response. As the Israel-Hamas War continues, ERD is supporting Al Ahli Hospital as hospital staff treat hundreds of severely wounded people each day.

Donations may be made via Breeze (Select “Outreach Sunday: Episcopal Relief and Development” from the drop-down menu.); by texting “outreach” to (301) 685-7608; or by check, payable to St. John’s Norwood with “Episcopal Relief and Development” on the memo line.
