New Members of St. John’s: Let Us Welcome You on October 20!

Liturgy of Welcome on Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024  -  

Have you been attending St. John’s for a while, and found that it feels like your spiritual home? Are you ready to take the next and join us as a member? We would love to welcome you!

Twice a year, St. John's introduces and welcomes all interested new members with a short Liturgy of Welcome (LOW) that takes place during each of our four Sunday services. During the service, Sari invites new members to come forward, briefly introduces you, and we say a prayer of welcome as you join our community. That’s it, and we’ve found it’s a great way for our congregation to meet and embrace our newest members.

Please let Deacon Anne Derse know at which service you’d like to participate and the names of all family members who will join the LOW.  Please also fill out our new member form and submit it to the church office.

Also—read more about how St. John's defines active membership and download an e-copy of our Join Us! document, outlining all the ways you can engage in worship, fellowship, service, and education at St. John’s! 

Ready to join?  Have questions?

Complete this form to connect with our Deacon & Minister of Community Engagement, the Rev. Anne Derse.

Any questions?
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