Assisting a Family from Gaza in New Jersey

St. John’s members and friends have helped a number of Gazan families over the past few years. The Hammouda family (pictured from a few years ago), who are currently living in North Carolina, were finally granted asylum after a 6-year long wait. We also helped another Gaza family, friends of Hammoudas who are also living in North Carolina, by connecting them with other churches and friends in their area.  That family, the Abuhaloub’s, is now doing well, with wonderful community support there as they await a final decision on asylum.

We have now been presented with a new challenge.  Mrs. Hammouda was able to get her sister’s family out of Gaza several months ago.  Her sister, a nurse, has now received a full scholarship to Rutgers University to pursue a Master’s in Public Health, complete with housing and a small stipend. Unfortunately, this stipend will not support her full family, a husband and 3 children, while they are in the United States.

We are seeking any connections in or near Rutgers University — in New Brunswick, NJ or nearby, that might help us find a local support group for this family — for both practical assistance — finding food pantries, helping initially with local transportation and local services — and financial assistance, as the husband will not be able to work in the U.S. If any St. John’s member has connections in that area that we could contact to try to find assistance in the area, please contact Nancy Adams or Anne Derse. We may also set up a donation mechanism at St. John’s in the future.

Contact Nancy Adams & Anne Derse

Complete this form to connect with Nancy Adams and the Rev. Anne Derse. 

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