On Sunday, September 22, all undesignated checks and cash offerings will be donated to the Bishop John T. Walker School for Boys (BWS). The tuition-free school enrolls 75 boys in Kindergarten through Grade 5, striving to alter their educational and social trajectories and prepare them for leadership and service. BWS was founded by the Episcopal Diocese of Washington in response to the educational challenges facing communities east of the Anacostia River and Bishop Mariann Budde chairs its Governing Board.
As you reflect on how our area’s excellent public and private schools have benefitted you and your family, please give generously to help BWS open educational doors for boys growing up in a less-advantaged area. Donations may be made via Breeze (Select “Outreach Sunday: Bishop John T. Walker School” from the drop-down menu.); by texting “outreach” to (301) 685-7608; or by check, payable to St. John’s Norwood with “Bishop Walker School” on the memo line. Thanks!
- Margaret Hilton for the Outreach Committee