1st & 3rd Wednesdays | 7:30 - 8:30 PM | St. Mary's Chapel
Beginning Wednesday, September 4, we will offer lay-led Compline or Evening Prayer services from the Book of Common Prayer on the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7:30 pm in St. Mary's Chapel, through the end of the calendar year.
All are welcome! The first offering on September 4 will be a service of Compline, preceded by a short discussion of the history of Compline and Evening Prayer, and communal prayer in general, as it came out of the English Reformation of the 1500’s and as it evolved into its modern use today in the Episcopal Church. Other first and third Wednesday offerings over the course of the fall will include Evening Prayer and likely a Sung Compline during Advent. Some of these Wednesday evenings will include introductions to one of the many spiritual practices in common use by individual Episcopalians.
These lay-led efforts are being taken under a newly extended ministry at St. John’s called "Exploring Spirituality: Encountering the Sacred." Its purpose is to engage interested parishioners in an exploration of spirituality and spiritual practice as they are commonly understood in Episcopal traditions, from the role of communal and individual prayer as laid out in the Book of Common Prayer to the many avenues of faithful exploration available to us, like Contemplative Prayer, Walking the Labyrinth, and others.
Please use the form below to contact Cindy Anderson if you have questions, and look for the "Exploring Spirituality: Encountering the Sacred" table at the Renewal Sunday Ministry Festival on Renewal Sunday, September 8.
Complete this form to connect with Cindy Anderson.