Sign-ups for the 2024-25 session of Education for Ministry's (EfM) lay theological study program are now open! If you love to ponder and discuss "things that matter," this group may be for you!
The group will meet Monday nights at St. John’s, starting at 6:30 pm with dinner and ending promptly at 9:30 pm. This is a seminar program, meaning that each person contributes their thoughts, experience, and ideas in a confidential setting. It is also adult education without tests or papers for which continuing education credits are available. You do not have to be a member of the parish to join. Ask a friend!
Theological reflection is the hallmark of EfM. People who participate in EfM encounter the breadth and depth of the Christian tradition and bring it into conversation with their experiences of the world as they learn, worship, and engage in theological reflection together. The goal is to learn to think theologically. We examine our own beliefs and our relationship to our culture and the tradition of our Christian faith.
In addition to theological reflection, what do we do? We read scripture and books: the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament); the New Testament; church history; and books on theology, ethics, and interfaith encounter. In addition, we each read two “interlude books” for general discussion. Participants are given weekly assignments and helpful resource guides. Then, we meet weekly in a small group that allows us to share our insights and discoveries as we are comfortable. We deepen our friendships along with our sense of how to live faithfully.
EfM is designed for lay people. Participants register for one year at a time, not necessarily consecutively. The resource guide is provided with your registration through The School of Theology of the University of the South. Each of us buys other books as seen on the hall bulletin board. Because the diocese supports the program, the registration fees are reduced to $340/year (plus a $10 fee for online registration); scholarships are available through St. John’s. Information and FAQs are on the bulletin board next to the hall door to the Lounge/Library. Please contact parishioner Barbara Ordway for details.
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Please use the form below to contact Barbara Ordway: